This information is provided for the purposes of explanation and discussion, the views represented by the various experts quoted is not intended to confer any meaning other than that of their own personal and professional opinion. Everyone who chooses to use BergaMet does so based upon their own will. Please consult your doctor before changing any prescription drugs or deciding to take any other product

The clinical experience


A summary of clinical trials to date - ongoing research still to be reported

The Calabrian Bergamot orange has been recently subjected to full clinical trials, and some of these have begun to show really interesting and important results in relation to its impact on the health triad of high cholesterol levels, high blood pressure and high blood sugar.

One of the leading researchers in this field is Professor Mollace of the Faculty of Pharmacology and Toxicology, University of Catanzaro, Italy.

You can read the full published report of the effects of bergamot orange juice on cholesterol levels in both rat and human subjects by clicking here The abstract from this trial reports;

Bergamot juice produces hypolipemic activity in rats though the mechanism remains unclear. Here we investigated on the effect of bergamot extract (BPF) in diet-induced hyperlipemia in Wistar rats and in 237 patients suffering from hyperlipemia either associated or not with hyperglycaemia. BPF, given orally for 30 days to both rats and patients, reduces total and LDL cholesterol levels (an effect accompanied by elevation of cHDL), triglyceride levels and by a significant decrease in blood glucose. Moreover, BPF inhibited HMG-CoA reductase activity and enhanced reactive vasodilation thus representing an efficient phytotherapeutic approach in combating hyperlipemic and hyperglycaemic disorders.

(c) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

The Australian BergaMet experience

A statement from Dr Ross Walker, Cardiologist MB, BS(Hons), FRACP, FCSANZ

BergaMet has been available in Australia since late 2010. I have now used this in around 600 patients, typically with great benefit & very rare, minor side effects. Our experience mirrors the Italian results with the majority of patients experiencing significant improvements in some & often all common cardiac risk factors.

Typically, there is around a 30% reduction in total cholesterol, somewhere between 35-40% reduction in LDL cholesterol & triglycerides, up to 40% increase in HDL cholesterol, along with a 20-30% reduction in blood glucose levels & an associated improvement in HbA1C, the best indicator of long term diabetic control. There are also variable benefits in blood pressure control & weight loss, in particular reductions in abdominal obesity.

Also, independent of the above benefits we are witnessing profound reductions in arterial stiffness, an independent marker for cardiovascular risk. Since the introduction, a few months ago, of the more potent BergaMet Mega, the results have been even more impressive & consistent.

The evidence to date clearly supports the statement that BergaMet is the most powerful, natural agent for the management of lipid disorders.

It is my opinion that BergaMet Mega should be used in the following clinical scenarios:

1) Low risk patients or in statin intolerant patients to lower cholesterol.
2)In combination with statins to improve lipid values & minimise statin side effects.
3) In all patients with Metabolic Syndrome, as it is the only monotherapy that affects every parameter of this increasingly common condition.

Dr Ross Walker summarises the research information that led him to trial BergaMet with his patients
Current treatment:

The medical profession has a powerful combination of pharmaceutical drugs to treat cardiovascular disease and some aspects of the Metabolic Syndrome, including high cholesterol.

The mainstay of cholesterol lowering is the statin drugs. There is no doubt that statins lower cardiovascular risk somewhere between 20-30%.

The main problem, however, with these powerful drugs is that a significant proportion of people taking them experience some side effects, commonly muscle aches and pains, fatigue, memory problems, depression or liver abnormalities.

I see BergaMet, used as either stand alone or in combination, as the first truly effective, evidence-based natural therapy for abnormal cholesterol profiles, cardiovascular disease &/or metabolic syndrome.

A new alternative:

BergaMet - a powerful, natural cholesterol lowering supplement.

From the Southern Ionic coast of Calabria in Italy, Citrus Bergamot is cultivated. Studies from the University of Rome, Italy have clearly shown dramatic results, initially in laboratory animals and confirmed in humans, in lowering cholesterol and positiviely affecting the metabolic syndrome.

One study of patients with Metabolic Syndrome showed BergaMet 1000mg per day for one month lowered:

Total cholesterol 31% (20-30%)
LDL (bad cholesterol) 39% (20-45%)
Triglycerides 42%  
Blood glucose 22%  
And elevated HDL (good cholesterol) 43% (av 38%)

Importantly, in the human trials to date there have been no significant side effects reported from the use of BergaMet.